New Orleans orthopedic surgeon

What is a knee replacement?

A knee replacement is a surgical procedure performed to remove your damaged knee joint and replace it with an artificial one (prosthesis), which is constructed from metal and plastic. According to your New Orleans orthopedic surgeon, your knee should be much less painful and the joint should move more smoothly following the procedure.

Why do I need a knee replacement? 

Over time, the surfaces on the knee joint can begin to experience wear and tear. This can be a consequence of arthritis or a previous injury to the knee. Simple everyday things like going for a walk or even getting dressed can become quite difficult over time, and there’s no cure for arthritis. However the knee joints can be successfully replaced by your New Orleans orthopedic surgeon, resulting in improved mobility and a reduction in pain.

What will take place during my knee replacement surgery?

At the hospital, we’ll explain each stage of your treatment and recovery, take notes regarding your general health, medical and surgical history and determine if you have any allergies. Your blood pressure, pulse and temperature will also be taken.

A knee replacement is typically performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. During the operation  – which takes a couple of hours – your existing knee joint will be replaced with a new prosthetic one. Your New Orleans orthopedic surgeon will make an incision at the front of your knee where the replacement will be inserted.

Following Your Knee Replacement Surgery

Patients typically stay in the hospital for 2-4 days following the surgery.  Once your operation is over, you’ll have a large dressing covering your wound. You may also have a small tube coming out of your wound to drain away any excess fluid.  You may be feeling a bit sore, but your New Orleans orthopedic surgeon will administer pain relief medication to deal with any discomfort.

Before discharge we’ll perform an X-ray of your new knee to check its position and give you some exercises to help get your new knee moving. When you get home you will probably be tired for several weeks and should get some rest. However, it’s also important to gradually increase your physical activity each day, so you should continue with the exercises you were given.

Everyone heals differently. You will continue to improve over the next six to twelve months. Your scar should fade to a thin white line.

If you’re considering knee replacement surgery or have any questions, call the office of your New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyers today to
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