New Orleans orthopedic surgeon

It’s summer and if you go by any tennis court chances are good that you’ll find someone playing. According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, tennis is a great way to stay in shape, because on the court players are constantly moving.

Playing tennis gets you moving — and moving is good for the body and the mind. One of the great things about tennis is that it’s a sport that can be played at nearly any age and at any skill level. Because it’s a low-impact sport and it’s not dependent on the strength of the player, young and old players alike pick it up easily.

Playing tennis isn’t good for your muscles and mind alone; it has a positive impact on your bones as well. Your New Orleans orthopedic surgeon says that exercising regularly can increase your peak bone mass and can slow the rate of bone mass loss over time.

Tennis players definitely put their bodies in a lot of different positions and this type of movement can result in all types of injuries. According to Dr. Meyer, the most common injury in tennis is appropriately called ‘tennis elbow’, which is a tendon injury on the outside part of the elbow. Tennis elbow is classified as an overuse injury that’s typically treated with rehabilitation.

But your New Orleans orthopedic surgeon warns that the constant movement required while playing tennis also puts players at risk for leg injuries. Running, cutting, pivoting and very quick repetitive motions often lead to ankle sprains, injuries to the knee, or even to the hips.

Something as common as tennis elbow and knee injuries from overuse can be prevented by engaging in other activities. That’s why Dr. Meyer encourages people to play other sports in addition to tennis.

Playing tennis regularly helps to improve the body’s ability to synchronize controlled movements, which can have benefits that carry over to other areas of your life. Flexibility is great because it can give you a wider range of motion, help prevent injuries and even reduce muscle strain. And coordination and balance lessen the risk of injury when playing sports or simply engaging in everyday activities. The more you play, the better your flexibility, coordination and balance will be.

Like with any sport, your New Orleans orthopedic surgeon says injury prevention is key. He instructs patients to pay attention to their body, because a lot of these injuries come from hours and hours of extended play.

If you’re experiencing any unusual pain – don’t hesitate – call the office of New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer today to schedule a consultation.

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