After having a hip replacement in Louisiana, you may expect your lifestyle to be a
lot like how it was before surgery, just minus the pain. In many ways you’re right,
but returning to your everyday activities will take some time. Being an active
participant in the healing process can help you get there sooner and ensure a more
successful outcome.

You will need some help at home for anywhere from several days to several weeks
after discharge. Before your surgery, arrange for a friend, family member or
caregiver to provide help at home.

Preparing Your Home for Hip Replacement in Louisiana

The following tips can help make your return home more comfortable, and can be
addressed before your surgery.

 Rearrange furniture so you can maneuver with a cane, walker, or crutches.
You may temporarily switch rooms (make the living room your bedroom,
for example) to minimize the use of stairs.

 Place items you use frequently – such as your phone, remote control,
glasses, pitcher and glass, reading material and medications – within easy
reach so you do not have to reach up or bend down.

 Remove any throw rugs or area rugs that could cause you to slip. Securely
fasten electrical cords around the perimeter of the room.

 Get a good chair – one that is firm and has a higher-than- average seat. This
type of chair is safer and more comfortable than a low, soft-cushioned chair.

 Install a shower chair, gripping bar, and raised toilet seat in the bathroom.

 Use assistive devices such as a long-handled shoehorn, a long-handled
sponge and a grabbing tool to avoid bending over too far.

Wound Care Following Your Hip Replacement in Louisiana

During your recovery at home, follow these guidelines to take care of your wound
and help prevent infection.

 Keep the wound area clean and dry. A dressing will be applied in the
hospital and should be changed as often as necessary. Ask for instructions on
how to change the dressing before you leave the hospital.

 Follow your doctor’s instructions on how long to wait before you shower or

 Notify your doctor immediately if the wound appears red or begins to drain.
This could be a sign of infection.

Swelling: Expect mild to moderate swelling for 3 to 6 months after surgery. To
reduce swelling, elevate your leg slightly and apply ice. Wearing compression
stockings may also help reduce swelling. Notify your doctor if you experience new
or severe swelling, since this may be the warning sign of a blood clot.

Medication: Take all medications as directed by your doctor. Home medications
may include narcotic and non-narcotic pain pills, oral or injectable blood thinners,
stool softeners, and anti-nausea medications.

It is especially important to prevent any bacterial infections from developing in
your artificial joint. Your doctor may advise you to take antibiotics whenever there
is the increased possibility of a bacterial infection, such as when you have dental
work performed, so let him know if you have any planned.

Hip replacement in Louisiana can be a life-changing event. If you would like more
information or want to determine if you are a candidate, call our office today to
Schedule a Consultation so we can get you pain free!

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