Shoulder arthritis in Louisiana is a type of osteoarthritis that typically affects people over the age of 50. The condition develops when the protective cartilage that cushions the joints in the shoulders wears out. The symptoms of the problem include shoulder pain, stiffness and limited range of motion.

Today we’re going to debunk five common myths associated with shoulder arthritis, its causes, symptoms and treatments.

1. Shoulder pain automatically indicates osteoarthritis. Contrary to common perception, shoulder pain isn’t always the result of arthritis. Many other conditions, such as fibromyalgia, tendinitis, tendon sheath inflammation or tenosynovitis, and bursitis, can also lead to shoulder pain. The pain can also occur due to a tear in the rotator cuff, which is a muscle that aids shoulder movements.

2. Shoulder arthritis in Louisiana is strictly a degenerative condition. Shoulder pain may not be a result of old age. If fact, the issue is being found in people from almost all age groups. In the case of children, shoulder pain and its symptoms can be a result of rheumatoid arthritis. Those who are born with bone deformities are also more prone to developing shoulder arthritis.

3. Exercise worsens shoulder arthritis. The truth is completely opposite. Light exercises can actually improve shoulder arthritis symptoms and alleviate pain. Moreover, regular exercising lowers the risk of a relapse of the condition. A few exercises that can provide relief from shoulder pain are:

  1. Arm-across-chest stretch;
  2. Neck release;
  3. Chest expansion;
  4. Seated twist;
  5. 90/90-shoulder stretch.

4. Only people with an active lifestyle develop shoulder arthritis in Louisiana. While it’s true that the people involved in physically demanding jobs are at a higher risk of developing shoulder and other types of arthritis, even those with a regular lifestyle are not immune to the condition.

In fact, those who live a sedentary lifestyle are also at a high risk of developing shoulder arthritis, unless they take the right preventive measures. If, for instance, your job requires you to sit all day, make it a point to stretch your muscles and joints after every 30 minutes or whenever you feel fatigue or numbness.

5. Glucosamine doesn’t help with shoulder arthritis. Several studies show that glucosamine reduces the pain caused by osteoarthritis and provides the building blocks for growth and repair of cartilage. The compound lubricates joints, thereby preventing or slowing down the process of cartilage breakdown.

Patients allergic to shellfish, however, should avoid the supplement. In addition, Glucosamine may have certain side effects, such as heartburn and diarrhea; therefore, always consult your orthopedic surgeon before taking the supplement.

Whether the cause of shoulder pain is an injury, age or an underlying condition such as osteoarthritis, it is never too late to seek help. Shoulder pain treatments and diagnosis may include X-rays, blood tests, rest, over-the-counter medicines, physical therapies, dietary supplements, and if required, surgery.

If you are experiencing pain and want to determine if you are suffering from shoulder arthritis in Louisiana, give our office a call today to schedule a consultation and let’s get you pain free!

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