Sports and other activities that require repetitive motions – such as playing tennis or typing on a computer keyboard – can put stress on your wrists, hands, and fingers.  This can often lead to a condition known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in New Orleans.

The repetitive activities we mentioned can lead to irritation of your nerves and tendons resulting in pain, swelling, and loss of muscle strength. When all of these symptoms work together the condition is called Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI). One of the most common of these injuries is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in New Orleans.

Think you might be suffering from the effects of this condition? Read on to learn more about the 5 most common signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome progresses when the nerve that runs from your forearm through your wrist gets pinched. The bone in your wrist form an arch that makes up the top of your carpal “tunnel” and the bottom of the tunnel is a thick tendon that helps hold it open.

The muscles that bend your fingers and the nerve that provides the muscles and feeling to your fingers pass through this tunnel. When this median nerve is compressed or pinched, symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can develop.

The precise cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has not been identified but repetitive movements, pregnancy, arthritis, and broken bones can cause the compressed nerve that leads to it.

How do you know if you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in New Orleans?

The 5 most common signs are:

  • An aching, painful feeling;
  • Numbness;
  • Tingling or pins and needles;
  • Grip weakens;
  • Tendency to drop things.

Sufferers may also experience itchiness, numbness, or burning in their fingers and hand. The numbness and tingling are common in the thumb and index fingers and middle and ring fingers.

You may feel like you need to shake your hand to restore the feeling in your fingers. At times, symptoms can be worse during the night, but they can also be felt more during daily activities. Over time, as that nerve shorts out, the symptoms can radiate up your arm.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in New Orleans can be treated in a number of ways, ranging anywhere from a wrist splint to steroid injections. It can be and should be treated early on in the diagnosis before symptoms progress and the condition becomes permanent.

Wearing a splint that will hold your wrist in a neutral position during the day and doing exercises to stretch and straighten your wrist can also help reduce the symptoms of this condition. Splinting your wrist and fingers at night can also help decrease any swelling and minimize the pressure on the nerve.

Splinting should remain for at least 4 to 8 weeks or until your symptoms have subsided. If you have worn your splint for 8 weeks and still experience symptoms, it’s important to consult with your orthopedic specialist for alternative treatments.

If your nerve remains compressed, it can result in permanent damage.  If recommended, simple outpatient surgery can be very successful for long-term and permanent relief of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in New Orleans. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms outlined above, call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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