Tendinitis is swelling of the tendons, which are the pointed ends of the muscles that attach to the bones. Tendons go into action each time muscles tighten and bones move. Tendonitis in New Orleans is often the result of overuse, such as recurring movements at work.

While it can affect all tendons, the wrist, elbow, shoulder, hips, and heels are the areas most commonly treated. Tendinitis can trigger significant pain and even disability, although it often fades away after a few weeks, particularly if some helpful home care treatment is utilized. In other cases, however, it can become chronic, requiring medical attention.

Easy Treatment Options for Tendonitis in New Orleans

Cease overusing the tendon/muscle. Inflamed tendons can be caused by a sudden injury, but they’re usually caused by small, repetitive movements over the course of many days, weeks or months.  Identify what action is creating the problem and either take a break from it for at least a few days or modify the movement.

Apply ice to the swollen tendon. The pain from tendonitis is primarily due to inflammation, which is an effort by the body to heal and protect the injured tissue. However, the body’s inflammatory reaction actually contributes to the problem, so controlling it is key to reducing the symptoms. Apply ice to your inflamed tendon every few hours to reduce inflammation and dull the pain and reduce swelling.

Take anti-inflammatory pills. Another method of combating the inflammation of tendonitis is by the use of over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling and pain. NSAIDs can be hard on the stomach, so it’s best not to take them for much longer than two weeks.

Intermediate Treatments for Tendonitis in New Orleans

Stretch the inflamed tendon. Mild-to-moderate tendonitis and muscle strains often react well to stretching because it relieves muscle tension, encourages circulation and improves flexibility and range of motion. Stretching is effective at treating both acute and chronic tendonitis as a preventative measure. While stretching, use slow, steady movements and hold the positions for 20 – 30 seconds; repeat three to five times daily, especially before and after intense activity.

Wear a brace for support. If the tendonitis involves your knee, elbow, or wrist, consider wearing a flexible neoprene sleeve or more supportive nylon/Velcro brace to help protect the area and restrict movement. Wearing a support brace also helps to remind you to take it easy and not overdo it while at work or in the gym.

Professional Treatments for Tendonitis in New Orleans

Consult with your orthopedic doctor. If your tendonitis isn’t subsiding and hasn’t responded to rest and basic home care, see your doctor for an examination to assess the severity of your condition. Most surgeries for severe tendonitis are performed by inserting a small camera and miniature instruments through small incisions close to joints.

Get a referral for rehabilitation. If your tendonitis becomes a chronic condition, but not especially serious, your doctor will likely refer you for rehabilitation therapy. A therapist will share tailored stretches and strengthening exercises for your affected tendon and surrounding muscles.

Get a steroid injection. If your doctor thinks it’s necessary, he may recommend a steroid injection into or near your swollen tendon. Steroids such as cortisone are quite effective at decreasing inflammation in a short period of time, which can eliminate pain and restore mobility

Consider platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. PRP treatment involves taking a sample of your blood and spinning it to separate out the platelets and various healing factors from the red blood cells. The plasma mixture is then injected into inflamed tendon(s) to reduce inflammation and boost tissue healing.

If you are experiencing pain and think you might be suffering from tendonitis in New Orleans – don’t hesitate – call our office today to schedule a consultation to discuss your options.

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