Hip replacement in Louisiana is one of the most common orthopedic procedures. If you’re considering this surgery, you need to know what to expect so you can be prepared. If you know what to do and what to not do, you can accelerate your healing time and will soon be back to your normal activities.

Hip Replacement Surgery Dos and Don’ts

DON’T: Do It Alone

It’s common to be released back home or to a rehabilitation facility within two to four days following your hip replacement in Louisiana. We find that patients tend to be happier when they are allowed to recover in their own homes. And being at home also reduces you’re the risk of falls, infections, and blood clots.

But although you will be up and walking within two to three days, there will be many tasks you can’t do right away. Enlist the help of a friend, family member, or professional caregiver to assist you with daily chores and activities.

DO: Manage Your Pain

Have a plan in place for the first three days following your surgery to take an anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by your doctor. You can also ask your doctor about using ice for the first week, as the cold reduces the swelling and allows the new joint to move easier. Gentle exercises will also decrease your pain as it helps with blood circulation and decreases the swelling.

DO: Move Around

Sitting or lying in bed for most of the day will cause your new joint to stiffen. Your hip replacement in Louisiana was meant to give you more flexibility and relieve your pain. So get up and get moving to make the best use of your new joint!

Don’t push yourself beyond what you can handle comfortably, but plan to be up and moving for about 20-30 minutes at a time. When you move around, you help the blood flow increase to your legs and feet and can prevent blood clots and keep your muscle strength intact.

DO: Eat for Healing

Your nutrition both prior to and following your hip replacement in Louisiana is a key part of the healing process. The fuel that you put into your body can help you maintain your strength,  prevent infections, and heal faster.

Whole foods are your best choice for optimal nutrition. Preload your fridge or ask your family and friends to bring you:

  • Berries and fruits;
  • Dark leafy greens;
  • Eggs;
  • Healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and seeds;
  • High sources of iron and protein like beans and nuts, meat, poultry, and seafood;
  • Probiotic-rich foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and yogurt;
  • Vegetables.
  • Whole grains

Also, consider looking into food delivery services that can bring wholesome meals to your home.

DO: Have Realistic Expectations

When you know what to expect, you can prepare yourself for the healing process. Patients are typically up and on their feet one to two days following hip replacement in Louisiana, and three days following surgery you will most likely be able to walk with a walker or crutches.

Within 14 days, the staples from your incision will be taken out and you can begin showering. After three to six weeks you can resume light activities and may be able to drive and walk without assistance.

Then, 10-12 weeks following your hip replacement surgery you can expect to return to most of your normal activities. But now you can do that without the stiffness and pain of your old hip.

You don’t have to live with pain in your hip! If you would like more information regarding hip replacement in Louisiana or want to know if it’s an option for you, contact our office today to Schedule a Consultation

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