New Knees When Other Options Fail

According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, when lesser measures can no longer control the pain and disability of arthritic knees, surgery to reconstruct or replace them then becomes a consideration. These are completely elective procedures, and...

Is one of these six things causing your shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain is common – some people experience it following a fall, while some suffer from shoulder pain due to repetitive stress. But according to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, the majority of sufferers simply woke up with shoulder pain and have...

Why do your knees hurt?

New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer finds that as people age, it’s often the knee that reminds them that they are getting older. It may be stiffness, weakness or pain, but whether you’re simply getting out of bed or walking onto the tennis court, you know...