by | | Hip Replacement Category Posts
Hip replacement surgery is a procedure in which an orthopedic surgeon surgically removes a painful hip joint and replaces it with an artificial joint, which is often made from metal and plastic components. Hip replacement in New Orleans is usually performed when other...
by | | Hip Replacement Category Posts
Hip replacement surgery the second most common joint replacement procedure, following closely behind knee replacements. Many people suffer from hip arthritis, but it can be tough to know when the right time is to have hip replacement surgery. There is also confusion...
by | | Achilles Pain Tendinitis, Health Tips, Hip Replacement, Hip Replacement Category Posts, Joint Replacement, Kids Sport Injuries, Knee Arthroscopy, Knee Pain Tips, Knee Replacement Blogs, Knee Surgeon Tips, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Shoulder Pain
Many of us are still using methods and techniques that we were taught as children in an effort to remain active and injury-free. We also try to share those same knowledgeable tidbits with our children as they become active. We search for information online, but there...
by | | Hip Replacement Category Posts
Exercise, maintaining a healthy diet and body weight, taking steps to prevent blood clots, and preparing your household for reduced mobility can help to ensure a successful recovery following your New Orleans hip replacement surgery. Surgery may be the most important...
by | | Hip Replacement Category Posts
Surgery is often the most important and intense step in a treatment plan, but it is not the only one that carries some risks. The recovery period following an orthopedic surgery typically also involves many important steps and procedures that will control the...
by | | Hip Replacement Category Posts
The rise in popularity of total hip replacement in Louisiana is largely due to modern advances in technology that have produced hip replacement parts that successfully mimic the body’s natural joints. Unlike a normal hip joint, an arthritic hip joint is plagued by...