Exercise, maintaining a healthy diet and body weight, taking steps to prevent blood clots, and preparing your household for reduced mobility can help to ensure a successful recovery following your New Orleans hip replacement surgery.
Surgery may be the most important and intense step in any treatment plan, but it is not the only one that carries serious weight and particular risks. The recovery period following a hip replacement typically involves many important steps and processes that will determine your long-term health and mobility.
Hip replacements have become a common procedure and, since the 1960s when these operations were first performed, the safety of hip replacement procedures has increased dramatically. The ultimate success of the surgery, however, will be determined by the success of the recovery process. There are some measures you can personally take to improve your total hip replacement recovery process.

What You Can Do to Improve your Recovery from New Orleans Hip Replacement

1. Incorporate a healthy exercise routine. Most hip replacement patients are able to walk the same day or next day following surgery and most can resume normal routine activities within the first 3 to 6 weeks of their total hip replacement recovery.
Once light activity is permitted by your orthopedic surgeon, it’s important to incorporate healthy exercise into your recovery routine. Recommended activities include gradually increased walking and light household activities. Keep in mind that movement is essential to a healthy recovery.
2. Pay attention to your diet. Excess weight can put stress on your new hip prosthesis and increase wear and tear and the risk of complication. Maintaining a healthy body weight before and after your New Orleans hip replacement can improve your recovery process and the ultimate lifespan of your prosthesis. Additionally, make sure to maintain a balanced diet during your recovery period.
3. Perform exercises to promote blood flow. Certain exercises can help to promote blood flow and prevent clots; these include:
 Regularly squeezing the thigh and calf;
 Motion exercises for the legs that utilize full range of leg motions;
 Walking with or without the assistance of a walker or cane.
4. Prepare your household. Your mobility and ability to complete normal, daily tasks following your surgery will be strongly reduced. So prior to your New Orleans hip replacement, make practical modifications to your house so that the things you’ll need will be accessible without excess movement. Also make plans
with friends, family, or caretakers to ensure that someone will be available to help with tasks like cooking, bathing, and running errands.
Taking careful precautions and putting intentional effort into your recuperation can help to ensure a smooth and successful recovery from your New Orleans hip replacement. Keep these critical tips in mind as you prepare for your surgery and the subsequent recovery period. If you have any questions about total hip replacement or would like to Schedule a Consultation, call our office today.

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