Anterior Hip Replacement

A growing number of younger adults are finding themselves in need of hip replacements to restore strength and mobility and get back to daily lives that have been put on hold by arthritis and chronic pain. New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer is keeping...

Possible New Solution for Damaged Knees

Researchers have produced artificial replacements for arms, legs, joints and other body parts. But developing an artificial meniscus — the cartilage pad in the knee that millions of people injure every year — has somehow dodged modern medicine. According to New...

Spring and Shin Splints

Another winter has passed and thankfully, we’re all headed back outside to enjoy the sun and warm air. And it’s usually this time of year that many of us put our running shoes on to hit the road or track for a brisk walk or jog. New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr....

Does Your Child Have Flat Feet?

When people have babies, they’re always warned about the soft spot on the head that the skull bones haven’t fused enough to adequately cover the brain. But according to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, babies are born with nearly 100 bones that need...