
Hip Arthritis in Louisiana: What You Need to Know!

Hip arthritis in Louisiana is one of the most common causes of pain in the hip. Arthritis is a progressive condition, which means that it typically starts gradually and worsens with time. The term arthritis literally means inflammation of the joint. There are...

8 Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Louisiana

Have you felt tingling or numbness in your hands or arms? Has this feeling persisted for several months or gotten worse over time? If so, you may be experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome in Louisiana. Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur when a nerve in your wrist is...

6 Myths and Truths About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Since carpal tunnel syndrome in Louisiana is a common condition, many people are familiar with this cause of hand pain, tingling and numbness. But this familiarity also leads to a fair amount of misinformation circulating as well. Today we’re discussing six myths...

What’s Causing Your Shoulder Pain?

According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, rotator cuff injuries are one of the most common causes of shoulder pain, but not the only cause. A condition referred to as the “frozen shoulder” is often mistaken for a rotator cuff problem because it...

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