New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon: Hip Replacements Feel Natural
Hip-replacement surgery has been commonly performed for decades, but according to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, results and expectations have improved dramatically in that time. Years ago, the average hospital stay for a hip replacement was two...
New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon: Is it time for a knee replacement?
Although you might not realize it, your knees are needed for just about every activity you do on a daily basis. So when something goes wrong with one or both of your knees, you’re sure to notice. That’s why New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer is sharing...
New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon Shares Reminders When Running on the Beach
Summertime often brings visits to the beach, and while running on the beach can feel like a great workout, New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer advises that there are some things you need to keep in mind. A run on the beach, particularly on soft, unpacked...
Things to Consider Before Knee Replacement In New Orleans
It’s very normal for older and middle-aged people to suffer from knee pain. While there are plenty of treatments for this type of pain, there are some people who get severe pain in their knees, making them unable to carry on with their normal life because of this. In...
New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon Shares 3 Reasons People Won’t Go To The Doctor
Occasionally New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer sees patients in his office who were injured one or two days prior to their visit. Far more often though, he treats athletic patients who have been dealing with an injury for a long time. Why do people wait...
Tips for Surviving Hip Fracture from New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon
After a rather long and colder winter, we welcome the warmer weather with open arms and gardening tools. The arrival of spring and summer gives us the opportunity to get our hands dirty, our flowers planted and our crops in the ground. This is a labor of love for most...
New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon: Which Type of Hip Replacement is Best for You?
Total hip replacement surgery is considered by New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer to be among the most significant orthopedic developments for the treatment of hip trauma and final stage arthritis in the hip. Traditional hip replacement surgery involves...
New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon: Replacing Both Knees At The Same Time Speeds Recovery Time
Approximately 25% of patients who undergo knee replacement surgery also require surgery on their other knee as well. The second knee replacement surgery is typically performed a number of months apart to allow for recovery. But New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr....
New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon: Beware of shin splints this spring!
According to Google, each year when spring rolls around, the number of people searching online for information about shin splints peaks. New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer finds that this yearly pattern is also noticeable in the increased number of...
New Orleans Orthopaedic Surgeon offers tips for dealing with arthritis in the knees
With people living longer, the number of people affected by osteoarthritis is rising drastically. According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, this condition is more prevalent in women than men. Short of knee replacement surgery, the following...