Spring and Shin Splints
Another winter has passed and thankfully, we’re all headed back outside to enjoy the sun and warm air. And it’s usually this time of year that many of us put our running shoes on to hit the road or track for a brisk walk or jog. New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr....
Does Your Child Have Flat Feet?
When people have babies, they’re always warned about the soft spot on the head that the skull bones haven’t fused enough to adequately cover the brain. But according to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, babies are born with nearly 100 bones that need...
Surgeon Warns of Hip Replacement Risks
Today, arthritis is one of the most widespread conditions, causing a great deal of pain and suffering among the patients of New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer. This is why some patients agree to a wide variety of treatments such as total hip replacement...
Is Your Child’s Cell Phone Damaging Their Spine?
It’s a common sight these days. A child or teen slumped in a chair, head tilted downward, madly typing away on a cellphone. And they probably spend much of their life in that position. But according to New Orleans Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, prolonged...
The Facts About Fractures
According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, doctors in America treat more than 6.8 million fractures each year, making them the most common orthopedic problem. On average, a person will suffer two fractures during a lifetime. Whether a person...
How Soon Can You Drive Following Hip Replacement Surgery?
For people suffering from hip problems, many don’t consider replacement surgery because of the long-term effects on their life. According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyers, because of enhanced surgical, pain management and recovery procedures,...
Should You See a Doctor for a Sports Injury?
Perhaps you are living with an irritating knee injury or pain in your hip that comes and goes. Are you wondering if you should see a doctor or just wait it out? In the end, only you can answer that question. And while some people want to wait to see if the injury will...
Orthopedic Surgeon Reports Hip Replacement Surgeries on the Rise
In recent years, the number of patients who have undergone hip replacement surgery has doubled across the nation. While the reasons for the increase are not completely known, New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer attributes the rise to an increase in...
Alternative to Knee Replacement Surgery
According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, the cartilage and fluid that protects and lubricates bones and joints can deteriorate over time in the knees, resulting in pain. Many patients suffering from this type of pain attempt to manage it through...
Are You a Candidate for Joint Replacement?
According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, joint replacement is one of the most common orthopedic surgeries performed today. And the hips and knees are the most commonly replaced joints. In fact, knee replacements have doubled over the past ten...