Tennis as a Total Body Workout
It’s summer and if you go by any tennis court chances are good that you'll find someone playing. According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, tennis is a great way to stay in shape, because on the court players are constantly moving. Playing tennis...
Tips for Healthier Feet
Aside from the humidity, the weather is very nice in most parts of the country right now. Sunshine, along with all of the activities summoning people outdoors, make for an active summer. But according to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, too many...
Are You Drinking Too Much Water When You Exercise?
The idea that you should always stay super-hydrated when exercising has been entrenched in most of us since childhood by everyone from Little League coaches to parents. For many athletes that advice meant that they should be drinking a lot and drinking often while...
Orthopedic Surgeon Discusses 3 Most Common Knee Injuries
The human body is a marvelously designed machine. Bones add structure and muscles add strength, enabling the body to do amazing things. Joints such as knees, shoulders, hips and fingers, allow the body to change positions. Tendons allow the joints to bend and stretch....
More Patients Choosing Joint Replacement
New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer reports that his patients are getting joint replacement surgery at an earlier age than ever before. This is not happening because the need is greater, but because the technology has improved so much. In the past, he...
Questions About the Best Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery
What makes anterior minimally invasive hip surgery (AMIS) the best choice? In this type of surgery, New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer accesses the hip joint from the anterior (front) side of the body by utilizing the natural muscle plane, which provides...
When to Consider Surgery for Knee Pain
According to New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer, knee pain is a very common problem. The pain can be the result of a minor injury, which can be healed in days, or the pain can be chronic and last a lifetime. Sufferers from chronic knee pain are always...
Anterior Hip Replacement
A growing number of younger adults are finding themselves in need of hip replacements to restore strength and mobility and get back to daily lives that have been put on hold by arthritis and chronic pain. New Orleans orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Meyer is keeping...
Possible New Solution for Damaged Knees
Researchers have produced artificial replacements for arms, legs, joints and other body parts. But developing an artificial meniscus — the cartilage pad in the knee that millions of people injure every year — has somehow dodged modern medicine. According to New...
New Orleans Orthopedic Surgeon: Eat Black Beans for Stronger Bones
Black beans, also known as turtle beans because of their hard shell-like appearance, are actually the edible seeds of the legume plant. Like other legumes such as peanuts, peas and lentils, black beans are valued for their high protein and fiber content. And according...